
| One week after the session

In recent years, I’ve become aware that I really struggle to create boundaries and stick to them. I’ve realized that I’m a people-pleaser! And I put everybody’s needs before my own. I will often find myself doing things and when I’m into it I ask myself “Why am I doing this?”. Other times, I’ll come to the end of a weekend and realize how exhausted I am because I had spent the entire weekend doing sh*t for other people that I didn’t want to do but did anyway because I felt too guilty to put my own needs first. 

When I approached Leandra, I was really struggling with a particular family member. My boundaries with this person was non-existent and it had started to affect my life very negatively. 

I felt that I always had to be available to this person, that their needs always came first and, if I put my own needs first I would feel incredible guilt and shame. It got so bad that there was so little energy left in me to actually live my own life!

Through our session, Leandra helped me to see and understand that due to this person’s ill-health at times, I had erased all of my own needs for them to receive all the attention and energy they needed to recover. 

I had literally created an “energy-leak” and was giving away all my energy to this person so that they may be healthy and happy. 

Now that I understand this, I have been able to mend this “leak”. After the session, I felt an immediate lightness, like all the parts of me had come back together. I felt worthy of my own care and attention. 

A few days in, I still feel this self-worth growing. Obviously, I still care deeply for my family member. But I have realized that I am of no value if I am always completely exhausted from giving away all my energy. I trust now that this person can look after themselves and knowing that helps my shame and guilt to move through me. 

I am very excited to see how the next few weeks unfold with this new sense of worthiness that I feel in myself.

I am blown away by how effective this RTT method is and how incredibly Leandra is able to apply at and offer a massive boost in healing and…living one’s best life!!!

Thank you, Leandra! The way in which this work is so helpful, I want to pay you double the amount ;)




TEENAGERS | Young adults | Students